Tag Archive | photography

Looking for peace and watching TV

A recent NewScientist reported that contemplating art could allay pain. The subjects rated the pain as being a third less intense while they were viewing the beautiful paintings, compared with contemplating the ugly paintings or the blank panel. (Link here). Recently I’ve been spending more and more time taking photographs and I’ve noticed that when […]

Trees and people, photos and sculptures….

Street Trees #3 1. Frank told me about starting a new series photographing trees. This is one of the pictures he sent me and I was utterly blown away by it. I have tried many a time, and I have failed many a time, to get a decent picture of a tree. Anyway, I asked […]

What is it with Germans, art and death?

From Time.com: Death be not Proud Pondering German artist Gregor Schneider’s search for someone terminally ill to die in public as an art piece, Richard Lakayo writes of a related experience he had: The single most powerful work I saw at the Venice Biennale last summer was a video that the French artist Sophie Calle […]

Castanets Exclusive: Saltspring Island

Frank sent me three photographs. I will be posting one a week. This is called Saltspring Island. He’s spent time there; its one of the Gulf Islands on the Canadian West Coast just off Vancouver Island. I love how he blurs the line between photography and painting. For more of his photography go to frankgrisdale.com. […]